Saturday, July 17, 2010

Free Form Fables for Fictitious Friends

It slowly deteriorates you until you die
This strange substance that consumes and devours you
You see time slipping by ever quickly
Only to witness the ground beneath you crumble

Sad reflections of a time lost to hell
Lie wicked fiends after the final bell

The blood stained roads
The furrowed brow of apathy concentrating on walls of stone
The cutting blade strikes out its tone.

The wicked wait and watch as we whither wistfully
To dread on death is to know one’s self

How far will the emblem of empire be raised before it shall fall
The drop of rain, the wrecking ball

Would you we wait?
What shall we bait?
The precious state?

Of times, of money, of record time
The pawns fall forward
Line by line

The rat will creep out of its cage
The trap is sprung
Beware its rage.
The creature sat and waited patiently
for freedom freely falls from failing fingers
Democracy dies but freedom lingers

Raise the torch of freedom
The ember of freedom freely flows from failing hands to flailing foes
Have we been falsely freed from freedom
For frail is the foe that sucks freedom from faucets
Fee Fi Fo Fum Fuck Freedom Fuck “Fun”
For forward flies freedom’s flags of Fear
This Freedom, this flag, this farce, this fable,
the fabric is frayed as faceless factories fail
Fake faces force fast forward FEAR

Franchise Factories Flourish as Fake Filler Finds Families
For Fear Forces The Faint, Flailing, into Fast Forward Futures

Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fools Fighting Fool Fighting Fool
Foolish Followers Fight Friendly Foes For FIRE
For Future’s Freedom Foolish Fighting followers
Find Fingers of Former friendly foes

FLY Former fathers of freedom!
For Fathers Fail
Yet Future friendly Families flourish from Failing fighting followers

When war will rage where will we weep?

Factories fail as fake franchise flourishes

Free form fables for fictitious friends

Answer Questions by Questioning answers

The only thing for certain is uncertainty