What is important to me is the simple expression of self, simple expression through words. Words can be a limited way for expressing. So I may also include pictures, I have yet to decide these things. But I am sure they will come in at some point. I will remain mostly anonymous, as someone you might know but can not be sure of. If you think you know, you might, ask, and I may answer but for now I am simply me, I am simply you, I am everyone and everything. We are all united, the internet has brought us the abilities to mass communicate. Use it.
This blog is a reflection of myself on a personal level. The me that goes out in public and interacts with people is confident and outgoing. However the me that will be presented to you within this blog is a different person from that person. This person is continually unsure, continually over-thinking, continually analyzing all the situations the other self has put themselves in. This only results in a spiral of thinking and thought that dwells upon one another. This is what I like to call the social thought vacuum. One end continually feeding off the other, in a stream of personal anxiety, like the tale of the snake that eats it's own tail(tale).
I am an individual person in a collective based world. My thoughts are, we are all individuals, however I think we all need to understand that we have been tricked into just being individuals and not functioning as a whole. I was born in the west where we are brought up in a culture of fear, one that propagates the idea that we are continually in trouble or that doom is continually around the corner. We are in trouble yes, but the trouble is something we have created as a whole. To fix the troubles of the world we all must come together and unite as one, become a united to stop the problems of the world where we live.
My ideas and sentence structure are fluent. They come they go, they stay on track, they go off track, they are. They are thoughts, they are as fickle as the wind, but are just as constantly changing. I will use a name, but it is just as fictitious as the world is, nothing remains constant, we are all in a continual state of flux, this is something to remember. Change is not something do back away from, change is necessary and is just as much a part of the world as death, and life. Change happens continually, chaos happens continually, to avoid this is to avoid life. To stay constant, to stay still is to stagnate ones ideas, we must be continual learners, continual adapters, continual changers. I am a maximalist and I will maximize the opportunities of life as I am here, hopefully in a way that can influence, inspire, help, and change. Although these too are fickle fluent and fictitious as freedom always is. Words have perceived meaning, we were brought up to trust them, but as soon as you read them you begin to see the spaces they create, and how they themselves are less then whole. They themselves are as concrete as the sun. There is a perceived solidity to words, but as soon as you look away from these black forms, and look through them, the truth may emerge.
Hello world I am olive